Tuesday, July 22, 2008

down 10!

I have lost a total of ten pounds in just over a week. Yeah me! I'm even getting used to not eating all of those wonderful things I have grown a custom to eating, though I really could go for a piece of bread slathered in brie right now.

The thing that is the hardest is not salt. Man alive I was never one that ate a ton of salt, but cutting it out all together is just plain bland. It is really amazing how just a little bit of salt really brings out the flavor of so many things.

Just one more week and I get to slowly add back some dairy wheat and even a bit of salt!


Unknown said...

For me it was cheese too. It went with everything, now I don't even have a baby loaf in the house.

marissa said...

i am impressed!! since i started "trying" to lose weight again (last time i commented on your blog...weeks and weeks, and possibly months) ago, i have lost a total of 5 pounds. of the 20 that i have GAINED since getting married.

Unknown said...

way to go!! very immpressive!