Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bigger Better My Ass!!!!

So my craft fair experience this weekend was a bit less then stellar. In fact it sucked ass. It was a badly ran, small and there were just no customers to buy anything. We made a whopping $24.50 which was not even enough to pay for the space.

All in all it was not that bad of an experience, and I learned some valuable lessons, and had an amazing weekend away with my wonderful husband, that did nothing but cheer me up when I was upset, about how much things sucked.

Things that I learned:

1. My core customer base IS NOT little old ladies that frequent holiday bazaars at the coast.
2. Being the most prepared, best looking booth at a small craft fair just means I really am ready for the "Big Leagues"
3. People really do love Monkeys in Hats!
4. My bags really do ROCK!!!!!
5. I have the best most caring big Teddy Bear of a husband, and I don't know what I would do without him.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry that the fair didn't go as well as you'd hoped, but I'd like to emphasize that: your bags DO rock, you rock overall, and your husband rocks, too. In general, I'm a HUGE fan!!!

Rebel said...

Sorry the craft show sucked ass... have you looked into the craft fairs in Portland? I know it can be really hard to make money at these things, but you're going to get a larger turn out at something in town. Are you hooked in with the Church of Craft?

Rebel said...

PS - your bags really do rock! And your hubby rocks too. ;)

Rebel said...

Have you heard of this one?

It's probably too late for this year, but you could keep it in mind for next year.