Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Exercise is stupid!

So for the last month I have been going to a personal trainer at the 24 Hour Fitness where I work out. I just had my last session with her yesterday. Over all it has been a great experience and I have learned many things some of which are:

1. It takes more ass muscles to go down stairs then up them. I know this because after doing 40 lunges (especially since I have not done them since freshman year of high school) my ass was sore, and going down stairs with a sore ass is a real bitch.

2. Lunges are evil.

3. I can sill jump rope for a full minute without stopping, even though the last I I jumped rope New Kids on the Block were still in.

4. Overweight, big breasted adults should not jump rope.

5. The exercises that seem the easiest are the ones that really kick your ass.

6. even after all of this I say I hate exercise but I really don't I just wish I had not gone so long being a lazy ass, because if I was not such a lazy ass 40 lunges would not be such a bitch.


Rebel said...

Lunges are evil by the way - that's how I screwed up my knee - too many lundges with 16-20lbs of weight. It's good that you're going to a trainer though, so they can make sure you have good form.

Yay for exercising though! I'm proud of you. It's going to make hiking all over Europe a lot more fun if you're in shape first.

jenn said...

yeah, lunges kill my knees too. but it's way cool that you're working out. i got so lazy my last semester of school. i'm just hoping that i'll lose some weight while i'm in ghana.

Rebel said...

J - you should write a book "The Developing Country Diet". Seriously... you'd make a fortune. ;)

T is said...

Violent diarrhea is fun! :)

Rebel said...

LOL! Ok, maybe not. ;)

marissa said...

ooh, lunges. i don't think i can even do those anymore! though the one-legged squats my physical therapist used to make me do suck pretty bad, too.
i guess the hard exercise makes it possible to do the fun exercise (running, biking, anything you can get a high off of) better, though. :)